
History + Introduction

Chess is a large and historic game that has been played for centuries.It is one of my favourite hobbies inside and outside of school.Chess is also a very complex game with many strange moves like En Passant and Castling.It started to take it's modern form in the 19th century with legendary players like Adolf Anderrsen and Paul Morphy. In the more modern age,several even more legendary players have emerged in the 20th century,mostly Americans and Soviets as a battle in the Cold War.The most notable names include the likes of Garry Kasparov,Anatoly Karpov and Robert Fisher who has a very interesting story. In the 21st century many great players have emerged with the latest set of tournaments and the 2023 FIDE World Championship between Ding Liren and Ian Nepomniachtchi being a very chaotic event from April 4th to April 30th.More great players in the candidates tournament include Hikaru Nakamura, Anish Giri, Nordirbek Abdussturov The best player so far is Magnus Carlsen ,Norwegian Grandmaster,Who is not competing in the FIDE candidates tournament.There are also several great International Masters like Levy Rozman (Famous chess streamer GothamChess). The FIDE World Championship has concluded recently.Ding Liren has been crowned as the FIDE World Champion.


There are many possible openings in chess, too many to explain here.The most common moves are E4 and D4.These openings most commonly transcript into Kings Pawn or Queens Pawn openings, however they can also transcript into other openings like the Scandinavian Defense with E4 D5 or the Englund Gambit D4 E5.With both Queens and Kings Pawn openings, many more openings stem from them.For example some are the Vienna Game, the Italian Game, the London System or the Queens/Kings Gambit.A Gambit opening is an opening in chess where you voluntarily give up a pawn for a better position.Some include the Englund Gambit, the Queens/Kings Gambit and my favourite opening, The Vienna Gambit.In the opening,the first of three phases in a chess game, there are three main principles.Develop your peices, Take control of the center, and Get your King to safety (Usually by Castling).Your E and D pawns are the best pawns for taking control over the center, however you C and F pawns can also help you.If you are Castling, try not to move the F pawn if you are short castling or the C pawn if you are long castling.For Short Castling, you need to remove the Knight and Bishop from your Kings right side, F and G.Your G Knight should go to F3 and you B Knight to C3.Your F Bishop should go to C4 or B5, and your C Bishop to G5 or F4.

MiddleGame and Tactics

The Midddlegame is the logest phase of a chess game.Once you have developed your peices and castle your King, you enter the middlegame.This is the phase that prepares your board for the endgame, the most important phase.The main things to do here is start an attack on your opponents King and use some tactics to win a positional advantage or some material.Tactics are a series of moves, where your peices work together to maintain/create an advantagous position or win/equalize material with your opponent.The best pieces here will vary with the position.With closed positions, Knights are better, where as with open positions, Rooks and Bishops are better.You can create a more open position for your Bishops and Rooks by using a pawn break.A pawn break is where you use a pawn in a closed position so that it and another pawn are challenging one another.The most likely outcome of a pawn break is one pawn taking the other, therefore creating a more open position.You can also use pins to restrict the movement of your opponents pieces.A pin is where you line up a Bisop Rook or Queen on the same diagonal or file as a Queen/King with a minor piece ahead of it.You can also create a battery.A battery is where you line up 2 Rooks, a Queen and a Rook or a Queen and a Bishop on the same file/diagonal respectively.These are very useful for attacking your opponents King.

Endgames and Checkmates